Chakra Balancing

Our Chakras Are Feeling Centers

Your feelings are important. Too often we sacrifice our feelings for the sake of making others happy, whether it is your parents, your spouse or partner, or your children. We carry a history of our feelings and emotions in our chakras. These are called Trapped Emotions. I use the Emotion Code to remove these Trapped Emotions.

The upper 3 chakras (Crown, Third Eye and Throat) are pure feelings. The lower 3 chakras (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus) are feelings that are connected to the brain. Feelings that are connected to the brain are called emotions. The Heart Chakra is the integrator between the upper and lower chakras.

Pure feelings of love nourish our chakras. The heart chakra especially is open to pure feelings of love. Because the heart chakra is also integrated with the lower 3 chakras, it is also painfully aware of the negative emotions, or trapped emotions you have in the lower 3 chakras. Some of these negative or trapped emotions from the lower chakras can become trapped in your heart chakra and create a heart wall. The heart wall is made up of trapped emotions from the lower chakras and it blocks us in relationship. The heart wall blocks us from giving and receiving love. The Emotion Code removes these trapped emotions.

Love is the the vital energy of the universe that is meant to bring chi energy into our physical and energy bodies. When our heart chakra is blocked by a heart wall, we develop a profound attractor field that is looking for love. This attractor field is called Addictive Heart Energy and it is the cause of all addictions to substances like sugar, caffeine, drugs, alcohol, sex and even working too hard. While we may get a momentary high from these addictions, they can never replace the feeling we get when we experience giving and receiving true feelings of love. 

The heart, the lungs and the thymus are nourished by the heart chakra. If the energy to the heart chakra is being blocked by a heart wall, it can have profound effects on your physical body. The heart is the organ that brings nourishment to every part of your body. A disruption in the function of the heart can cause heart disease, heart palpitations and even death. The lungs bring oxygen to the body. A disruption in the function of the lungs can cause pneumonia, deterioration of your body (from lack of oxygen) and death. The thymus is a gland that is central to the immune system. It produces T-Cells which are critical to the immune system in fighting foreign invaders of the body. As you can see, the heart wall can cause serious problems in three of the major systems of your body.

By just removing your heart wall, you can improve your relationships and attract love into your life again. I am able to remove your heart wall by removing the trapped emotions from your heart chakra. I do that by simply running a magnet down your back! You can get rid of heart palpitations, improve chronic heart and lung conditions and strengthen your immune system. In your first consultation with me, I will check to see if you have a heart wall and addictive heart energy. I will remove that and other blocks or toxicities you may have in your energy body. I will also give you tools to strengthen your chakras and open yourself to feeling again. Below is a short summary of each chakra and the spiritual aspects of each chakra. If you are interested in scheduling an initial consultation with me click this link and scroll to the bottom of the page: Schedule an Initial Consultation and Session



Root Chakra Balancing

To Thine Own Self Be True

Loving yourself is where you begin the journey of loving others. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and surround yourself with loving care. As you care for yourself and your needs in ways that only you know, your soul anchors itself into your body and to the earth. Your surroundings begin to reflect who you are and feelings of peace and security reign. The root chakra energy when fully open and functioning attracts what is needed into your life. This is your foundation; the very root of our hierarchy of needs as Abraham Maslow has taught. Practices to open your root chakra: walking, dancing, hiking, yoga, Tai Chi, Mindfulness, Emotion work, Reawaken wonder and awe in your life, Presence, and Focus on Gratitude and Trust.

Other names for the first Chakra: Root, Survival, Muladhara, Base, Kundalini


Sacral Chakra Balancing

Healthy Relationships

We create our reality. The sacral chakra energy is creative, procreative, energetic, sensual and sexual and connects our soul to these aspects of our lives. This energy when freely flowing and balanced gives you vitality for life, self-awareness, a deep respect of relationships and healthy expression of your emotions, sexuality and sensuality. When your sacral chakra is open you are creative and trusting. This chakra resounds to our need for relationships and has a lot to do with self-image, pleasure and having fun. The challenge is to interact consciously in relationships with people who support our growth and to release those people that inhibit our growth. Our journey of self discovery and creativity takes on new dimensions with every relationship we experience.

Other names for the second Chakra: Sacral, Sexuality, Swadhisthana


Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing

Your Personal Power

The Solar Plexus is the source of our Life Force and generates the will and power of the soul. Your soul is a strong force that wants to make its presence known. Through setting boundaries the Solar Plexus allows your soul to emerge true to who you are. If there is too much energy your life will be all emotion, full of dramatic highs and lows. If there is too little energy you will be living in your head with no emotions. The Solar Plexus connects to your personal power in relation to the external world. When balanced you will honor yourself and your intuition. You will be responsible, assertive, courageous and have the ability to follow through with your intentions and goals.

Other names for the third Chakra: Solar Plexus, Power, Manipura, Navel


Heart Chakra Balancing

The Power of Emotion Healing

Breathe the power of emotions into your thoughts and actions. Your heart is where empathy is developed. Empathy is love and acceptance of others. Empathy is what determines your emotional quotient. These days in order to excel in any area of your life, you need to develop not just your intellectual quotient (IQ) but your Emotional Quotient (EQ). There have been criteria developed to measure your EQ, just as there have been criteria in place for many years to measure your IQ. The secret of developing empathy and a high EQ is to learn to be in love and acceptance of yourself so that you can then be in love and acceptance of others. Every spiritual discipline has Love and Acceptance as the core of their teaching.

Other names for the fourth Chakra: Heart, Love, Anahata


Throat Chakra Balancing

Speak and Live the Soul’s Truth

The Throat Chakra is all about speaking and living your soul’s truth. Living your values with passion, having a sense of purpose and following your dreams are all expressions of a balanced Throat Chakra. The essence of the fifth chakra is faith and faith is a force that comes from our integrity. Basically living with integrity means that you live steadfastly to a code of moral or artistic values. When you find your Soul’s truth and use your gifts and abilities to express that truth in both your word and deeds, you exude confidence. We were created to live this way naturally.

Other names for the fifth Chakra: Throat, Communication, Vishuddha


Third Eye Chakra Balancing

See Life from the Soul's Perspective

The Third Eye Chakra relates to both sides of the brain and is your intuitive center. Because it can relate to both sides of the brain, it offers flexibilty of thought and a balanced, positive outlook on life that transcends judgment and polarity. Therefore discernment and imagination are both aspects of the Third Eye Chakra. Your third eye always tries to see from the soul's perspective. It integrates the information from all of the chakras into a clear vision or idea. It is the seat of inspiration. When your Third Eye Chakra is open and balanced you tend to be open minded and can easily bring two opposing sides together as harmony is the energy of a balanced Third Eye Chakra. It makes sense that this is the chakra of wisdom.

Other names for the sixth Chakra: Third Eye, Intuition, Ajna, Brow


Crown Chakra Balancing

Your Spiritual Center

The Crown Chakra is the chakra of prayer. Through meditation and prayer we receive wisdom, guidance and information from the Higher Self. People with an open Crown Chakra prefer silence to the “noise” of the world. The Crown Chakra floods your entire system with energy, connecting the entire physical body to the crown chakra. When your crown chakra is balanced you feel a connection with the Universe and you feel spirit-guided in the present moment. We manifest our spirit by living in the present moment. We learn to think and act with love and wisdom and learn to live for sake of others, as all of the masters have taught.

Other names for the seventh Chakra: Crown, Spirituality, Sahasrara

For more information on Chakra energy balancing services from a certified life coach in Milwaukee, contact Wholesome Junction today. Kathryn Hill offers Chakra healing sessions in Madison, Waukesha, Racine, Kenosha and worldwide through remote services via Skype, Facetime or phone.